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What Are the Benefits of a Second Passport?

What Are the Benefits of a Second Passport?

Are you itching to improve the quality of your life? And we don’t just mean lowering your tax burden. Sure, that would help, but what if we threw in visa-free travel and geopolitical diversification into the mix? Obtaining a second citizenship can help with all that....
The World’s Tax-Free Countries

The World’s Tax-Free Countries

Some people see income tax as a necessary evil. They might not be happy handing over a substantial portion of their pay check every single month, but they don’t see any way out. And, to be honest, they’re not even looking. Not us. Here at TaxFreeCitizen, we’re all...
How to Open an Offshore Company

How to Open an Offshore Company

Believe it or not, lots of countries are actively wrestling for your business. A quick Google search for an ‘offshore company’ reveals that the United Arab Emirates and the Cayman Islands, among others, are paying top dollar to show up in your results. They’re dying...